Apple released iOS 14 in September 2020, and since then, Apple has added new versions every month. The previous iOS version 14.4 arrived on January 16, and it was expected the next one (iOS 14.5) would arrive in February. But now, because of the delay of iOS 14.5, it appears to arrive on March-end. Plus, the beta version of iOS 14.5 is available that users can use to know what features they might get in the upcoming official update.
The iOS 14.4 was highly focused on bug fixes and some minor improvements, but things could be slightly different with iOS 14.5. The latest iOS 14.5 version will bring some new features that will help users to unlock the iPhone device easily while wearing a mask. IOS 14.5 will have several great features, and if this excites you, here are full details about iOS 14.5 features and release date.
When is iOS 14.5 arriving?
Well, if you are willing to use iOS 14.5 right now, you can try out its beta version. The beta version is available, and users can install it to get the experience of iOS 14.5. However, this iOS 14.5 beta version might contain some bugs, so download and install it at your risk. Although, if you wish to use the official release, you’ll have to wait for a while since Apple hasn’t announced any final date to release it. Using the beta version is never a preferred option, so users should keep away from the beta versions unless the actual update arrives.
Learn How to Download and Install iOS 14.5 When Available
Once you know iOS 14.5 is available to download, you can follow the steps below:
Launch Settings.
Scroll down and tap on the General option.
Click Software Update.
Once you click the software update, the system will connect with the server and start downloading the new iOS version. Once iOS 14.5 will be downloaded, the system will install it automatically, or you can schedule timing to install it. But make sure your iPhone’s battery is above 50% before installing the update.
What’s New in iOS 14.5 for Users?
Unlock Your iPhone Using Face ID on Apple Watch
Great news for Apple iPhone owners is that if they have Apple Watch, they will be able to unlock their Face ID lock on their iPhone using Apple Watch. They’ll only have to show their face on Apple Watch, and their iPhone will be unlocked. Plus, they can still unlock their iPhone without removing their face mask if they are wearing a mask.
More Emojis
The new iOS 14.5 will have 217 new emojis that users will see on their keyboard. There will be new face emojis, heart emojis, vaccines, and a couple of more different types of emojis will be included.
App Tracking Transparency
There will be app privacy features added in iOS 14.5. Under the new privacy changes, the apps will now ask for the app tracking data and permissions. IOS 14.3 brought the app checking data feature, and now it will have an improved face on iOS 14.5.
Siri Updates
The updated Siri will now be able to call 911. To do this, users will only have to say, Hey Siri, call emergency, and the call will begin after the seconds of countdown ends.
Console Controller Compatibility
With the new iOS update, users will play their favorite games by using Xbox Series X and PlayStation 5 controllers. Plus, there will be a new design for Reminder, Podcast, and News apps.
Stream Fitness Plus with AirPlay
Apple launched Fitness Plus with iOS 14, and now with iOS 14.5 and watchOS 7.4, users will be able to stream it over AirPlay 2 and some other devices.
Set a New Default Music Player
For a long time, Apple Music was the default music player for iPhone users, but it’s no longer the same. Now, before asking Siri to play music, users must install different music streaming apps. Once the app is installed, users have to set it as the default music streaming app. Once the default music app is selected, Siri will play music on it once asked.
IOS 14.5 is going to be helpful for numerous users. People who wear a face mask mostly face the problem of unlocking their device through Face ID; however, it won’t be a problem once iOS 14.5 arrives. Apart from all these interesting features, there still many hidden features are available that users can explore.
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