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Pokemon Go: Confirmed Shiny Meltan Event


Pokemon Go just announced one of the most popular and fan-favorite Mythical Pokemon, Meltan. A few days back, Niantic announced the transferring feature of Pokemon Go and Pokemon Home, which helps the players to obtain Mysterious Box. Now to Celebrate Pokemon Home, players have the Meltan event that will be live from 17 to 23 November. The great news about this event is that it is also offering a shiny form of Meltan.

Along with the Meltan, Niantic has added plenty of other things like new outfits, egg hatch Pokemon, Raid Bosses, and Wild Pokemon. Remember that Meltan spawns after using the Mysterious Box. After opening the box, Meltan spawns in the wild for a certain time limit. In the event, trainers are more focused on the shiny form of Meltan. This is because the shiny form is also available for a limited time. After the event is over, the shiny form of Meltan will disappear too.

Meltan is Mythical Pokemon, and Mythical Pokemon can’t be traded. However, things with Meltans are pretty different. This Mythical Pokemon can be traded, which means trainers can get lucky by transferring it to their friend.

Meltan can be evolved, and its evolved form Melmetal is tremendously powerful. However, it requires 400 candies to evolve, which is simply a huge investment. So basically, trainers have to focus on catching Meltan in the wild.

Meltan only spawns after opening Mysterious Box, but some other Pokemon are going to spawn throughout the event, and they don’t need any box to open. The list of Pokemon that are going to spawn during the event are:

  • Sandshrew (Alolan)

  • Zubat

  • Diglett (Alolan)

  • Magnemite

  • Slowpoke

  • Porygon

  • Remoraid

  • Hoothoot

  • Ditto

  • Lileep

  • Foongus

  • Cottonee

  • Whismur

These are the Pokemon that are specially going to appear during the event. The Slowpoke, Alolan Vulpix, Shinx, Magnemite, Klink, and Timburr will appear in Raid Battles. Three Legendary Pokemon are also going to appear in Raid Battles are Terrakion, Cobalion, and Virizion.

As mentioned above, there are some changes in hatching Pokemon. In 5km eggs, Omanyte, Lileep, Anorith, Nidoran Male and Female, and Slowpoke will hatch. This event also brought the shiny form of Slowpoke, so make sure to catch as many Slowpokes as possible to get the shiny one.

During the event, there’s a Timed Research task available that will help the players to obtain Mega Energy of Pidgeot, Berries, PokeBalls, and Pokemon Slowpoke and Gible.


The current limited timed event has brought plenty of new items, Pokemon, rewards, and tasks. Trainers who love to change their character’s outfits can purchase new Melmetal Vest and Jackets from the shop. After Animation Week, this is the next biggest event that players should play.

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